
Data Structure - Assignment


In this assignment you will modify the dslist class from Lecture 11 to implement an unrolled linked list data structure. This data structure is very similar to a standard doubly linked list, except that more than one element may be stored at each node. This data structure can have performance advantages (both in memory and running time) over a standard linked list when storing small items and can be used to better align data in the cache. You’re welcome to read more about unrolled linked lists on Wikipedia (but you’re not allowed to search for or use any code or pseudocode that might be available online!). Please read the entire handout before beginning your implementation.

To complete the assignment you will modify the helper classes (Node and list_iterator) as well as the main class, dslist, which will be renamed “UnrolledLL”. Each Node object contains a fixed size array (size = 6 in the above example) that will store 1 or more elements from the list. The elements are ordered from left to right. From the outside, this unrolled linked list should perform exactly like an STL list containing the numbers 10 through 23 in an arbitrary order. Note that to match the behavior, the list_iterator object must also change. The iterator must keep track of not only which Node it refers to, but also which element within the Node it’s on. This can be done with a simple offset index. In the above example, the iterator refers to the element “10”.

Just like regular linked lists, the unrolled linked list supports speedy erase operations from the middle of the list. Note that the size of the list has decreased by one, the element 10 has been removed from the middle node, the elements after 10 have been shifted to the left, and the number of elements in that node has been decreased. It’s perfectly OK for some of the nodes to be only partially filled. (If we tried to enforce that all nodes stay full, this operation would become just as expensive as the STL vector::erase operation!) If removing an element causes a node to become empty, the entire node should be removed from the list.

Your Tasks 

Your new data structure should be a templated class named UnrolledLL and its public interface should mimic the STL list container class. It should support the member functions: size, front, back, push_back, pop_back, push_front, pop_front, erase, and insert. Like an STL list, the public interface provides bi-directional forward iterators (i.e., ++ and -- operations), but you don’t need to do reverse iterators. Your class constructors, assignment operator, & destructor should properly allocate and deallocate the necessary dynamic memory. Similar to Homework 3, you must provide print functionality for debugging – this time by implementing the stream output operator for your data structure that prints an ASCII version of the internal data structures. We provide examples of the information that should be contained in this output, but your formatting may be different.

The number of elements stored in each Node is fixed at compile time, but you should try different values as you work. Please use a global constant defined at the top of your UnrolledLL class header file to control this. To get started, we highly recommend that you study and heavily borrow from the dslist class that we discussed in Lecture 11. The code is available on the course website. We provide a main.cpp file that will exercise the required features of your class, but it does not include tests for each “corner” case. You should add your own test cases to the bottom of the main.cpp file. Discuss in your README.txt file your strategy for thoroughly debugging your assignment.

To earn full credit, your program must be free of memory errors and memory leaks. The homework server is configured to run Dr. Memory on your program to check for memory problems.


What is the order notation of each of the member functions in your class? Discuss any differences between the UnrolledLL, dslist, and STL list classes. Evaluate the memory usage of your initial implementation in the worst case. Give a specific example sequence of operations where the data structure is inefficient. What is the average number of elements per node in this case? Discuss in your README.txt.

Extra Credit

For extra credit, change your implementation to improve this worst case memory performance. The typical strategy for this data structure is to incrementally merge or split the contents of neighboring nodes such that each node is at least 50% full (except possibly the last node) at the end of each operation. Which operations did you modify? The order notation of these operations should not change. Discuss in your README.txt.

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