Python Flask代写|CS代写|编程代写

Python Flask 网站开发 - Assignment


Non-Functional Requirements

1. Project Structure and Conformance

• Conformance to established project structure as discussed in the lectures.

• Ensure vital documentation, like ‘requirements.txt’ and ‘’, is present.

• The application should run by typing ‘flask run’, from within the virtual environment in a terminal window.

• The tests should run by typing ‘python –m pytest –v tests’, from within the virtual environment in a terminal window.

• If the application doesn’t run properly, the remaining steps will NOT be marked.

2. Use of Blueprints

• Register blueprints to segregate the application's components. For example: home, games, genres, search etc.

• Each blueprint should encapsulate a distinct set of functionalities adhering to the principle of Single Responsibility.

3. User Interface & Design

• Implement CSS for a visually captivating application.

• Utilize Jinja templates to ensure a consistent appearance across pages while minimizing repetitive code.

4. Flask Routes and HTTP Protocol

• Clearly define routes/URLs for different functionalities (e.g., /games, /genres, or /search etc.)

• Ensure that the application uses the appropriate HTTP methods, query parameters, response codes etc.

5. Abstract Repository Interface

• This interface should define the necessary methods for fetching, storing, and manipulating data about games.

• For this assignment, you’ll be using a memory repository as the data storage mechanism.

Functional Requirements

Task 1: Create a Homepage

• Construct a basic homepage for the web application. You could include a logo, a navigation menu, a brief introductory statement about your website, a search bar etc. Task 2: Browsing the Game Library [4 marks]

Task 2: Browsing the Game Library

• Display a list of available games organized in a user-friendly manner (say in an alphabetical order, or based on release date etc.)

• Implement pagination. Define a maximum number of games displayed per page and enable navigation between pages.

Task3: Display Details of a Specific Game 

• Upon selecting a game, provide comprehensive information about it. This might include its title, description, publisher, image, release date, user ratings/reviews, associated genres, and more.

Task4: Implement a Genre-based Sidebar

• Extract and display a list of unique game genres from the dataset in the sidebar.

• Users should be able to select or click on a genre to filter and view games associated with that genre.

Task5: Implement Game Search Functionality

• Implement a search bar allowing users to search for games based on game title, publisher, or other attributes.

• Integrate dropdowns or selection opDons for users to choose genres, publishers, or other filtering criteria.

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