CSE470G Devops and Cloud Computing 代写案例
In this final project you are to use multiple technologies to create an application that will display current announcements via a web server. The webserver will be running in AWS and will run a docker image that will run a given python program. This program will both display announcements and will receive announcements to be displayed.
You will deploy this application using terraform and a user data script.
A pipeline will be triggered that will do the following steps:
● Build the docker image
● push the image to dockerhub
● run the terraform script to create the aws webserver.
● The terraform script will use a user data script to configure docker and run the newly created docker image
You will then create a bash program that will take a command line argument and use curl to send this argument (which is a message), to your aws web server. This program MUST be robust and keep trying until the message is successfully delivered to the server. The command to create this message is given in the appendix. This program must call the aws ec2 describe-instances command and find the terraform server that was just created. DO NOT assume that there is only one server running, look for the server with the tag "finalproject"
● Your pipeline must run on the git repository cse470gUID
● There must be a branch called finalProject and ONLY files related to the final project shall be in this branch.
● There must be a readme.md that describes the project and how to run it. Documentation in other words
○ This must include name, course, date
○ complete path to the docker hub image created
○ other needed information
● the bash program to create announcements shall be called "mkAnnouncement.sh"
● There must exist a working tree on ceclnx01 in your home folder called devopsFinal.
● The code is available at https://campbest.cec.miamioh.edu/finalProject.py
● If you use a custom docker image for your runner, please make sure it is easy to find inside the gitlab branch.
● The python web server should be accessible via port 80 on your aws instance.
Before the final exam, please post to the canvas assignment:
● link to the git repo
● A paragraph describing the state of your project. Does everything work or what does
and does not work.
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