MSIN0006 Business Intelligence
Read and follow all instructions in this official brief. It supersedes any other representations made verbally by instructors, TAs, or others. No other criteria will necessarily be applied to grading, including representations or file submissions outside of the instructions or after the fact.
Details of the assessment brief
This is a collaborative learning assessment. It produces individual grades based on individuals' engagement in collaborative learning with group members, and the merits of the final group submission. Therefore, grading for this coursework includes (40%) your record of Engagement before reading week, and (60%) the quality and accuracy of your group Tableau Story Board submission (see Grading Criteria below).
Engagement Component (40% grade weight for Coursework 3)
Engagement Reward Tickets with unique codes will be handed out each week to students observed in engaged learning* in seminars. Your grade for this component will be the number of ticket codes that you submit correctly** in proportion to the maximum number of weeks that the rewards were available (maximum 1 per week, estimated total 10 weeks). No other form of engagement evidence will be considered after the fact.
*Engaged learning is not attendance. Each ticket rewarded for engaged learning will be decided at the discretion of the teaching team, including TAs, informed by observations that include but are not limited to arriving on-time and prepared for constructive engagement with the team and teaching team, personal report in class as requested of individual contribution during the week, and answers when asked questions. All engagement decisions become final each week unless the student reports a problem with engagement rewards to j.pittaway@ucl.ac.uk within 7 days.
** You are required to append the full ticket code you receive to the Engagement Rewards Registry on Moodle each week. Lost tickets cannot be reissued. The registry will close on the deadline for this assignment, and no ticket code submissions will necessarily be entertained after the deadline. A maximum of one correctly submitted valid, non-duplicate ticket code will count per week. Keep your codes private: duplication of ticket codes between students will be reported as academic misconduct.
Tableau Story Board Component (60% grade weight for Coursework 3)
Each week of term you are required to work with an assigned group of students toward creating a Tableau Story Board submission using Pottermore supplied data and supplementary data that you source, to inform a strategic management decision for the Pottermore CEO. You will report to the teaching team every seminar. See Section D Groupwork Instructions, which includes important information about your individual responsibility for reporting group dynamics and behavioural problems.
As a group, submit via (1) Tableau Cloud server and (2) Moodle assignment submission box a 3-Viz live Tableau Story Board appropriate to inform strategic decisions of the Pottermore CEO, which answers your assigned group Proposition. Your group must follow the Submission Instructions below exactly.
Group Submission Instructions
Step 1 – Create the 3-viz Tableau Story Board
1. Prepare your final Tableau workbook using Tableau Cloud as follows.
a. Using the provided Tableau Cloud, create all 3 workbooks (vizzes) that you will submit in a
single Tableau workbook.
b. Rename each WORKBOOK tab that is a viz in your final Story board using your group
name (e.g., Group XX - Sheet1, Group XX - Sheet 2)
c. Delete all tabs and Story boards that are not part of your final submission. If your
submitted project contains multiple Stories or more than 3 viz, only the first 3-viz Story in
your workbook will be graded!
2. Highlight the key points
a. All three viz in the story board should relate to each other and together must answer your group’s research question (OFFICIAL PROPOSITION).
b. It is your responsibility to ensure that each viz makes the point very clearly. To that end you should apply the 4Cs rules. For example, filter out all data (lines/bars/categories/etc.) that are NOT critical to drawing attention to the point you want the user to see.
c. You can also highlight points in the viz by clicking on them and using the COMMAND key (on Macs) or CTRL key (Windows) to select multiple points in the viz. Or search Tableau’s Help function to learn how to highlight points in viz. You can also select columns/rows of data by clicking values on the X/Y axes. Once clicked, leave them alone and save the file.
3. Create the Story Board
a. Click in the Tableau menu to create a Story board.
b. Your workbooks (vizzes) appear in a list on the left side of the Story board. Drag the first
viz into the Story area. Let the viz rebuild/run if necessary.
c. To add the next two vizzes to the Story board, click the next Caption [Add a caption] and
repeat steps a and b. d. Captions
i. Enter max 3 sentences in the Caption. Choose your words carefully. You can drag the Caption wider but do not exceed the screen width.
ii. CAPTION 1: STATE YOUR GROUP’S PROPOSITION in 1 sentence. In 1-2 sentences, say what the viz is showing (e.g., “The viz shows that there is a relationship between XX and YY because... which helps to answer for our OFFICIAL PROPOSITION as follows...”)
iii. CAPTION 2: This should drill down on the relationship(s) you found in the first viz (caption). In max 3 sentences, explain what the second viz shows and how this relates to OFFICIAL PROPOSITION.
iv. CAPTION 3: You should make a strategic recommendation for senior management based on the answer to the OFFICIAL PROPOSITION and say how the third viz further supports your recommendation (max 3 sentences).
4. Rename your STORY tab using your group name (Group XX - Story)
Step 2 – Submit Live Tableau Story Board to our official Tableau Cloud
Make one and only one workbook submission for your entire group. You may assign one member of the group to submit the workbook, but each and every student in the group remains responsible for complete and on-time submission.
5. In Tableau Cloud open the final workbook in Edit mode and PUBLISH AS follows:
b. Change NAME to “Group XX - FINAL”, substituting your group name for XX c. Click [Publish]
6. Verify your upload by viewing your group Workbook on the Tableau Cloud server (live).
Step 3 – Submit Word snapshot of Tableau Story Board on Moodle
7. Whilst viewing the group’s final story board on the Tableau Cloud server, view the first viz in the STORY board that you are submitting.
8. Mark any highlights you want to capture.
9. Click the Download icon, select Image and it will save as PNG file.
10. Repeat steps 8-10 above for each story chapter.
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