ECE 250 Algorithms and Data Structures Project 2
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Do not proceed until you have a working solution for Project 1
Storing a Country’s Data
In the previous project you were able to load a single time series and do some basic analysis.
Although the ability to manipulate a single time series is an important step, the individual time
series do not tell us much in isolation. To that end, it is important to be able to store as much data
about a country as we have available. In this project, you will design and use a data structure that
stores an arbitrary number of time series for a given country. Note: you will not be storing data for
multiple countries simultaneously in this project. That will come later.
Understanding the Dataset
In this project you will be exposed to a file that contains data for multiple countries. The data is in
coma-separated-values format, and we guarantee that no field contains any commas. This means
that you will never encounter a string like “Access to clean fuels, rural”, where the comma would
break your parsing code. Therefore, commas separate only valid fields of data. The columns in the
file are, in order:
Country Name, Country Code, Series Name, Series Code,1960 data, 1961 data,…,2023 data
Country name, Country Code, Series Name, and Series Code are all strings. The data is either
empty, indicated by -1, or floating point data. Here is a sample line (note: due to word wrapping this
is displaying on multiple lines of this document).
Storing Data
The dataset is provided in the file lab2_multidata.csv. In this project we will be providing you
with the dataset and part of the input you will need to parse is the country name. You will need to
read the dataset and load the country’s time series into your new data structure. The number of
time series available for a particular country in the data set is unknown and you may not simply
count them before reading them into a statically allocated array. Do not include it in your final
Your data structure must store the country name and its code as metadata, then it must be capable
of storing all of the time series available for a given country. Note: there may be time series for a
given country that have no actual data in them. These must still be stored anyway, even though they
will contain no data. Recalling from project 1, this would mean that you are storing the Series Name
and Series Code, then however you deal with missing data is up to you.
By this point in the term you know several data structures that will work. Part of this project is
selecting one that is adequate and implementing it to solve the problem. Therefore, it is possible
that you will have a different design than your colleagues. This is fine with the following caveats:
1. You must use a data structure that you have learned in your programming courses at UW so
far. There are lots of data structures out there that can work for this project, but part of the
point of these projects is that you practice what you are learning. If your project 1 resizable
array is suitably general, you may use it.
2. Your solution must meet the runtime requirements given below.
Program Design and Documentation
You must use proper Object-Oriented design principles to implement your solution. Your class
must have appropriately private data members and appropriately public services (member
functions). It is not acceptable to simply make all data members public and structs are not
You must submit a brief design document for this project that outlines your class design.
Guidelines for this document are on Learn.
Input/Output Requirements
In ECE250, we will be testing your submissions via scripts written to run on Linux. To do this your
solution must follow specific formatting requirements.
You must create a test program that contains your main program. This program must read
commands from standard input and write to standard output.
The program must respond to the commands shown in Error! Reference source not found.. The
outputs listed in the “Output” column must appear as shown. For instance, the first row has
“success” as an output. This means that the string “success”, written in lowercase, is expected,
and if more input cases exist the output will continue on the next line. The program ends (and
destructors are called) when standard input is empty.