
 CSC 172 – Data Structures and Algorithms

The labs in CSC172 will follow a pair programming paradigm. Every student is encouraged (but not strictly required) to have a lab partner. Every student must hand in their own work but also list the name of their lab partner if any on all labs.

In this lab, you will work on the Binary Search Tree ADT. Start with the UR_BST class code below.1 Make a concrete class. HINT: There are obvious helper methods that can be used to facilitate recursion. Follow commented instructions regarding exception handling. Include exception handling in your test cases.

abstract public class UR_BST<Key extends Comparable<Key>, Value> {

private UR_Node root;
private class UR_Node {
    private Key key;
    private Value val;

// root of BST

// sorted by key
// associated data

private UR_Node left, right; // left and right subtrees

private int size; // number of nodes in subtree }

abstract public boolean isEmpty() ;

abstract public int size() ;
 * @return {@code true} if this symbol table contains {@code key} and
 *        {@code false} otherwise

* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null}
abstract public boolean contains(Key key);

/** @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null} */

abstract public Value get(Key key);

/** @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code key} is {@code null} */ abstract public void put(Key key, Value val) ;

/** @throws NoSuchElementException if the symbol table is empty */ abstract public void deleteMin() ;

/** @throws NoSuchElementException if the symbol table is empty */

abstract public void deleteMax() ;


  • Be sure to include a Unit Test program that demonstrates how your program works.

  • You MUST demonstrate level by level printing in your test case.

  • You MUST implement Iterable<T> interface for the Key set in the class you implement.

  • Please write any assumption made. For example: describe what the return value means.

  • Your methods must handle all the corner cases gracefully — for example, throwing exceptions with detailed explanations or returning values indicating the error in case the operation is not permitted. The comments should clearly state the issues and the remedies involved. In short, no illegal operation should be permitted and the list and all its parameters should be in a valid state.


    Submit a single zip file Lab6.zip containing the class you implement, a unit test file containing a main method, a README file, and your class files. Your README should describe how to run your unit tests. Upload this file at the appropriate location on the Blackboard system at learn.rochester.edu.

    1. All source code files should contain author and partner identification in the comments at the top of the file.

    2. All source code should include links to any internet resources you used outside of course materials.

    3. A plain text file named README that includes your contact information, your partner’s name, a brief explanation of the lab (a one-paragraph synopsis. Include information identifying what class and lab number your files represent.), and one sentence explaining the contents of any other files you hand in. You can also share test cases those you ran. 

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